So here’s what I used:
1-3/4 cup flour
¾ cup powdered sugar
2 eggs
2 cups grated carrots
185 gm butter, softened
Grated rind of 1 orange
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
¾ cup milk
1 tbsp honey
Here’s how I made it:
I lined a 9×13” cake pan with butter paper and greased it slightly with vegetable oil. Also, I pre-heated the oven to 150 C/ 350 F
Then I sifted the flour, baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon together, THREE times! I kept this aside till I needed it.
I grated the rind of the orange. Can you see how finely it gets grated? And the white, bitter pith of the orange remains untouched…? I told you that the Microplane zester changed my life 🙂
In a mixing bowl, I placed the butter, sugar & rind and beat with a hand mixer on medium speed for about 2 minutes. It’s time to stop when it’s creamy and fluffy.
I then added the eggs and honey (original recipe calls for golden syrup but my options at home were honey or maple syrup) and mixed it up for another 10-15 secs.
It’s now time to put the hand mixer away and take up a rubber spatula or wooden spoon. No more beating after this point, just gently folding and mixing.
I added half of each – the carrots, milk & flour mixture. I gently mixed it up with my spatula (in one direction only. I prefer clock-wise!)
I then added the other half of all the above and mixed it up.
I poured the mix into the prepared pan. As you can see, the batter is pretty thick. I spread it out a little so that it sat evenly in the pan. I popped it in the oven for about 40 mins.
After 40 mins, I tested it with a toothpick which came out clean. I removed it from the oven and allowed it to cool in the pan for about 20 mins. After it had cooled sufficiently, I took it out of the pan (by carefully pulling it out using the longer edges of the butter paper) and placed it on a tray. I allowed it to cool completely before frosting it.
While the cake was cooling, I made the frosting.
Here’s what I used:
1 x 400 ml tub of yoghurt/ curd/dahi (original recipe calls for a 185 gm pack of cream cheese, which is definitely the better and more authentic option. I just didn’t have the time to run to the specialty store, so I modified)
½ cup softened butter
400 gms icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
½ cup chopped pecans (you can use walnuts or no nuts at all)
Here’s how I made it:
I hung the curd in a cheesecloth at about 9 in the morning, leaving it be until about 5 pm when I made the frosting.
I placed the butter, sugar & hung curd in a bowl… (Can you see how thick & creamy the curd looks?!?!?)
I whipped them with a hand beater until smooth, creamy and fluffy.
I added the vanilla essence and gave it a quick mix. Then I retired the mixer and switched to the spatula.
Lastly, I added the pecans, mixed it well and chilled it in the fridge until I was ready to frost!!
Since, for the life of me, I can’t find my icing knife, I used my spatula and the butter knife to spread the frosting as evenly as I could on the cake…
Quick notes about this recipe:
- It is better made in winter (specially in India) because the summer carrots aren’t technically natural and lack the colour, juiciness and flavour of winter carrots.
- This cake doesn’t rise very much, so I should have used a slightly smaller pan. This came out more like sheet cake. To be honest, it doesn’t make too much of a difference either way.
- The frosting should ideally be made with real (Philadelphia) cream cheese. The yoghurt gives it the correct texture but there is a slight sourness because of it. That can probably be overpowered with more vanilla.
- I used Icing sugar because the cornflour mixed in it gives it a slight stiffness, but regular powdered sugar works well too.